Updated: Northern Syria: 200 Syrian Organizations Condemn Turkey’s Attacks and Call on the International Community to Intervene

The UN Security Council must hold an emergency meeting regarding the recent Turkish attacks, exert pressure to stop them, and protect civilians and infrastructure, giving …

​​​​​​​Footage of the damage caused to the gas facility in Suwaydiya

Last Wednesday (November 23), the Turkish occupation bombed the gas facility in the village of Suwaydiya a in the countryside of Derik in Qamishlo Canton, as a …

Saldırıların hedefi olan Siwêdiyê’deki gaz merkezinin görüntüleri

Türk devleti, 23 Kasım’da (Çarşamba) Qamişlo Kantonu’nun Dêrik ilçesine bağlı Siwêdiyê köyüne bulunan gaz merkezini bombaladı. Bombardıman sonucunda 3 gaz türbininden 2’si, 6 petrol türbininden …

Angriffe der Türkei auf Gebiete in Nordsyrien völkerrechtswidrig

Unter fadenscheiniger Begründung und mit Lügen bombardiert die türkische Regierung seitdem 19. November die Autonomieregion Nordostsyrien. Gegen die Gebiete um die StädteDerik, Qamishlo, Hesekê, Deir-ezZor, …

History is repeating itself… All should remember what had said the chief of turkish intelligence Hakan Fidan in 2015

History is repeating itself! All should remember what had said the chief of turkish intelligence Hakan Fidan in 2015 “I can send 4 of my …

Journalist Essam Abdullah, correspondent of Hewar Agency, was killed while covering the Turkish airstrikes on Syria

ANHA correspondent in the city of Derik, Issam Abdullah was martyred in Turkish attacks on village of Tqil Baqil. After midnight yesterday on Saturday, the …

Reports : HCICanada will finance a project to establish a settlement in Afrin

Reports in Turkey say that @HCICanada (Human Concern International), located in Canada, will finance a project to establish a settlement in Afrin to house 4000 …

HTS has been stealing olives, demanding pay ‘zakat’ and forcing women to wear headscarves

Two weeks after the last SNA-HTS clashes, the latter is solidifying command of Afrin region. While military, HTS largely withdrew back to Idlib, and a …

Erdogans Milizen terrorisieren die Bevölkerung und bekämpfen sich gegenseitig

Deutschland muss Unterstützung für „gemäßigte“ Islamisten überdenkenEinige haben sich dem Al-Kaida-Ableger HTS angeschlossenErdogans Milizen terrorisieren die Bevölkerung und bekämpfen sich gegenseitigNachdem die islamistische Miliz „Ha’iat …

Die Türkei tötet weiterhin Syrer, die von Kampfflugzeugen und Artillerie angegriffen werden

Die #Türkei gezielt kurdische Politiker in Nordost-#Syrien. Heute wurden Zeynep Saruhan & Yılmaz Şiro, Vorsitzende des für Menschenrechte wichtigen Verwaltungsbüros für „Justiz & Reformen“ durch …