A protest against forced conscription in Manbij region
At a protest against forced conscription in Manbij region yesterday, a civilian was killed and 3 other wounded by NES security forces. As per an …
At a protest against forced conscription in Manbij region yesterday, a civilian was killed and 3 other wounded by NES security forces. As per an …
Ji destpêka êrîşa tirk û fesîleyên sûrî yên çekdar ên girêdayî wê di 20.1.2018’an de ser herêma efrînê û ta niha dewleta tirk bi riya …
Statement to the publicSince the Turkish invasion and aggression, accompanied by the Syrian armed factions and mercenaries affiliated with them, the Afrin region on the …
Het Nederlandse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken heeft twee miljoen euro subsidie gegeven aan een vredesorganisatie die een voormalig kopstuk van een terroristische organisatie in Syrië …
Jı bo parti û rêxıstınên Kurd û Kurdistani,Hemu Kurda, bes teybeti ji gelê me yi Rojava, dı van salên dawi dı şerê dıji terora islamistên …
President Joe Biden should urge Turkey to avoid confrontation, respect the territorial integrity of neighbouring countries and cease destabilising cross-border military operations.Turkey has imposed a …
By : jiger hussain Nadine Maenza in an interview with VDCNSY :Syria instability threatens religious freedoms and minoritiesNadine Maenza is a noted speaker, writer, and …
124 rêxistinên civaka sivîl bi daxuyaniyeke hevbeş qutkirina ava çemê Firatê li ser Sûriyê û Iraqê ji aliyê dewleta Tirk ve şermezar kir û bang …
124 organizations condemn Turkey’s water blocking, calling for firm action to bind TurkeyToday, 124 civil society organizations issued a joint statement denouncing Turkey’s decision to …
Turkey continues its attacks and violations and follow a malicious policy that increases the suffering of the Syrian people, this time by reducing the flow …
The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) has handed over 34 orphans from families of ISIS mercenaries to Russia, according to an official …