مركز توثيق الانتهاكات في شمال سوريا
اعلن عن اطلاق “مركز توثيق الانتهاكات في شمال سورية” في آذار 2018 لضمان توثيق دقيق ومستقل لجميع أنواع انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان التي تجري في شمال سوريا. وذلك بهدف وضع مرجعية أساسية لهذه الانتهاكات.
يعمل المركز من خلال راصدين ميدانيين منتشرين على الأرض في شمال سوريا. يتركز العمل على مختلف المناطق في شمال سوريا، ضمن امكانية الوصول الى المعلومات بشكل جيد، وكل التقارير والمواد والقصص والشهادات التي تنشر من قبل المركز مرخّصة بموجب أحكام وشروط رخصة المشاع الإبداعي العمومية (نَسْبُ الـمُصنَّف 4.0 رخصة عمومية دولية).
Documentation Violations Center in Northern Syria VDC-NSY Documentation Violations Center in Northern Syria, known as VDC-NSY, a Syrian organization aimed at documenting human rights violations committed since beginning of Syrian civil war, including detainees victims and missing persons in northern Syria by various parties to conflict in the region independently and to help Justice in the future and give victims and their families the right and documentation to help them prosecute and hold accountable violations perpetrators .
The Center collects documents including medical records, information from victims’ families, photographs, names, videos, etc. and archives them for inclusion in a comprehensive database. The Documentation Center for Violations was established in northern Syria in March 2018.
The Center has an administrative staff consist of 6 persons and field monitors, consist of 11, they constitute a ground network covering all areas in the north, northeast and west of Syria.
The Documentation Center for Violations in Northern Syria relies on a methodology consistent with international humanitarian law, international human rights law and the four Geneva Conventions, all of which constitute the legal framework for the Center’s documentation methodology.
The Center documents violations committed by all actors in Syria regardless of ethnicity, religion or any other feature. As much information as possible is available on each violation, including perpetrator part , place, date, type and other statistical characteristics of victims and violations.
يمكنكم تسلم إشعارات بأهم الموضوعات عبر الإيمل من خلال النموذج السهل: