Afrin: 12 accused in refugee camps released by charges of belonging to a "ISL organization" in financial guarantee

August 28, 2018

The armed factions of Turkey (Al sham division and Al nasar army ) released 12 people accused for belonging to ISL, which was arrested two weeks ago from “Deir al-Balut and Muhammadiyah” camps in Afrin region / North Syria, under a financial guarantee of 300 USD Informing them to continued trial for the accused.

Some residents from the camp appealed charges against them, arguing that charges against the detainees were fabricated in order to cover up demands from the detainees who went out in disgruntled demonstrations in order to hold the camp management accountable for spreading of corruption.

Al-Balot and Muhammadiyah camps have dozens of displaced families from eastern Ghouta and Qalamoun east and south of the capital, Damascus, in very poor conditions of living, service and humanity.