89 Organizations denounce Turkey’s Repeated Water cut to Hundreds of Thousands of People in Syria’s North East

For the eighth time, Turkey and affiliated local councils use water to blackmail in COVID-19 pandemic

On 13 August 2020, Turkish forces turned off the Alok water pumping station, under their control, to hundreds of thousands of people in northeastern Syria, just as they did earlier repeatedly in March, April and July and that was also followed by a frequent lack of water pumping.
The Alok water pumping station, which is located east of the city of Ras al-Ayn/Serê Kaniyê and has 30 wells, which can pump up to 175.000 cubic meters per day, supplies drinkable water to around 800.000 people besides being the main source to fill the tanker trucks that carry water to the makeshift camps of al-Hawl, al-Areesha (or al-Sadd) and Washo Kani (or al-Twaina), according to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
Sporadic water cut forced the population of Syria’s north east to rely on unsafe alternatives, endangering their lives on top of their fight against COVID-19, that has infected 280 and killed 17 in northeastern Syria so far, according to the last update by the health authority of the Autonomous Administration on 20 August 2020. Suspending the Alok water station puts the lives of hundreds of thousands of people at risk, since washing hands with water and soup is essential to protect themselves against the pandemic.
Turkey and affiliated local councils claim that the forces in control of the Tishrin Dam interrupted power to the Alok water station causing its stop. However, that was refuted by observatory impartial organizations, among them the Human Rights Watch (HRW), which confirmed in a report that the Mabrouka power station does not supply the Alok pumping station and that the latter has alternative power sources enough to operate it.
Signatories of this statement condemn the repeated suspensions of the Alok water pumping station by Turkey and associated local councils, who continue to use it to blackmail. We also would like to recall that this deliberate denial of water to the population is a flagrant violation to their basic right to access clean water and to the international humanitarian law; it also constitutes a war crime,
Accordingly, the signatories of this statement call on the United Nations (UN), the Security Council, the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nation International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the United States Government, the European Union, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to:
Pressure Turkey and affiliated local councils to resume the Alok water station urgently and immediately, and ensure that there would be no repetition of such cuts under any pretext.
Neutralize the Alok water station from political and military conflicts by suspending Turkey and other parties from using it to blackmail, and to hire a specialized and independent management team to run it under international supervision and control.
Ensure that all population in Syria’s north east benefit from water and other natural resources fairly and equitably without discrimination of any kind, under impartial international supervision.
Investigate into the repeated water cuts transparently and independently, and thus hold those involved accountable whoever they were.

The Statement Signatories;
Aata’a Organization for Development
Adel Center for Human Right
Al Diyar Society
Aljazera Relief Organisation
Anoar Algad Organization
Aras Charity Association
ASHNA for Development
Ashna Organization for Development
Ashti Center for Peacebuilding
ASO – Center for Consultancy and Strategic Studies
Ata’a Al-Baghouz Association for Development
Atyaf Organization
Baladna Organization for Civil Society
Balsam Center for Health Education
Better Hope for Tabqa
Bonus without Borders
Bukra Ahla Association for Relief and Development
Civil Society Institutions Platform in Northern and Eastern Syria
DAN for Relief and Development
Demos Organization
DOZ – Syria
DREAM – Hlom for Development
Ensaf for Development
Euphrates Organization for Relief and Development – EORD
Ezdina Organisation
Field Response Team
Forum Tow Rivers Organization
GAV for Relief and Development
Hajin Technicians Organization
Hdf humanitarian Organization
Hevy for Relief and Development
Hope Smile – Al Fourat
House of Citizenship Organization
Human Hope Team
Human Rights Organisation in Syria – MAF
Inaash Organization for Development
Inmaa alfourt Organization
International War and Disaster Victims Protection Association – IPV
Jan Center for the Care and Training of Children with Special Needs
Jasmine Association – Raqqa
Jian Charitable Society
Jinar for Aid and Development
Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights – JFHR
Jomard Charity Association – JCA
Judy Charity for Development and Relief
Justice and Building Center
Khwtwa Association for Relief and Development – Raqqa
Kobani for Relief and Development
Kurdish Committee for Human Rights – RASED
Kurdish Legal Committee -KLC
Kurdish Organisation for Human rights in Syria – DAD
Land of peace Organization
Lawir Organization for Animal Protection
Legal Construction Organization
Life for Syrian Association
Mahabad Organization for Human Rights – MOHR
Mitan Center to Revive Civil Society
Nour Jan Charitable Society in Amouda
Nujîn – Nujeen Association for Community Development
PÊL- Civil Waves
People for Human Development – PHD
ROJ KAR – for Relief and Development
SARA Organization to Combat Violence Against Women
Shamal Charity Association
SHAMS Organization
Shar for Development
Share for Community Development
Shawishka Association
Shaylan Association for Relief and Development
Slav Center for Civic Activities
Smile Organization
Swaaed for Development
Swaedna Organization for relief and Development
Syrian Kurdish civil Forces Gathering
Syrian Kurdish Journalists Network – SKJN
Syrians for Truth and Justice-STJ
The Civil Cooperation Team Organization
The Four Seasons Organization
TOTOL FOUNDATION for Relaif and Development
Violations Documentation Center in Northern Syria – VDCNSY
Women for Peace Organization
Xunav Association for Relief and Development
Youth for Change
Zakon Association – Komîteya Zagon