Reports : HCICanada will finance a project to establish a settlement in Afrin
Reports in Turkey say that @HCICanada (Human Concern International), located in Canada, will finance a project to establish a settlement in Afrin to house 4000 …
Reports in Turkey say that @HCICanada (Human Concern International), located in Canada, will finance a project to establish a settlement in Afrin to house 4000 …
Hikûmeta Tirkîyê bi darê zorê penaberên Sûrî yên li cem xwe vedigerîne herêmên bakurê Sûrîyê ku bin kontrola artêşa Tirk û komên çekdar de ne. …
Süleyman Şeyho who came to Siirt in 2004 and got arrested there told in a letter that it was claimed that he is Muhammet Ahmet …
Suleyman Şeyho ê ku 18 sal berê ji Kobanê tê Sêrtê, li ser navê kesek din tê girtin û cezayê muebedê lê tê birîn. Malbatê …
Two weeks after the last SNA-HTS clashes, the latter is solidifying command of Afrin region. While military, HTS largely withdrew back to Idlib, and a …
Deutschland muss Unterstützung für „gemäßigte“ Islamisten überdenkenEinige haben sich dem Al-Kaida-Ableger HTS angeschlossenErdogans Milizen terrorisieren die Bevölkerung und bekämpfen sich gegenseitigNachdem die islamistische Miliz „Ha’iat …
Die #Türkei gezielt kurdische Politiker in Nordost-#Syrien. Heute wurden Zeynep Saruhan & Yılmaz Şiro, Vorsitzende des für Menschenrechte wichtigen Verwaltungsbüros für „Justiz & Reformen“ durch …
The Autonomous Administration of Jazira region announced the martyrdom of the two co-chairs of the Justice and Reform Office, as a result of their targeting …
Rêveberiya Xweser a herêma Cizîrê ragihand ku hevserokên Nivîsgeha Edaletê di encama hedefgirtina wan de ji aliyê balafireke bêmirov a biçek a dagirkeriya Tirk ve …
As of September 6, 2022, the number of Syrians killed by Turkish border guards rose to 536, incl 103 children, and the number of those …
The Health Board of AANES has announced that 3 people have died in Deir ez-Zor and Raqqa due to cholera, and reportedly hundreds of others …