49 Suriye sivil toplum örgütü Suriye’nin kuzeydoğusundaki Türkiye’nin kasıtlı su kesintisini kınadı

Alok istasyonundan tekrarlanan su kesintileri yaklaşık 600.000 kişinin hayatını tehlike altında bırakıyor ve Coronavirüsü ile mücadele çabalarını engelliyor Alok su istasyonunu kontrol eden Türk kuvvetleri …

49 Syrian Organizations Condemn Turkey’s Intentional Interruption of Water in Northeastern Syria

Repeated cuts of the Alok Station’s water place the life of about 600,000 persons within the range of imminent danger and hamper efforts at combating …

Turkey’s actions in Syria’s Afrin amount to ethnic cleansing – Kurdish analysts

Turkey’s invasion of the northwest Syrian district of Afrin two years ago led to widespread ethnic cleansing of its Kurdish inhabitants and their replacement by …

Human rights organizations guide the Syrians in France to prosecute the perpetrators of war crimes in Syria

North-Press Agency Human Rights centers and organizations in Europe are instructing the Syrian refugees on how to file complaints against those who had a hand …